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Unproductive Learning

Throughout my time at New Rochelle public schools, I learned close to nothing. This deeply saddens me, for I spent pretty much my entire upbringing in school and now fail to understand basic history, math, and scientific phenomena. The problem here is the way that the teachers teach. They teach with an end in mind, a test or a final. The material moves quickly. If any teacher studied up on how the brain works, they’d know that teaching us facts quickly and then moving on without review and without ways to make them stick just disintegrates the information year to year. We are ignorant. My friends say NRHS was great. They say this because they want to encourage the beauty of public school, embrace “diversity,” and had a cool experience in the arts at the school. These are failing arguments. I know nothing, and if the generations after me do too, I’ll know that we failed.


NRHS Class of 2020

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