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  1. Educational course or 'Privilege Line' activity (regarding the importance of tolerance, aided by the 1961 Taylor V. Board of Education Case) for the New Rochelle School District students involved in the offensive, derogatory videos that surfaced early June 2020
  2. Public apology from all the individuals involved in the aforementioned incident
  3. An implementation of the Princeton Plan for our school district beginning with the 2022-2023 academic year
    1. Proposed Solution 
    2. Alternative Solution
  4. Timeline confirmation of City Hall of New Rochelle relocation 
  5. Accessible public data that acknowledges differences in race, sex, disability, and socioeconomic conditions on:
    1. Post secondary education plans including college enrollment, trade and certificate schools, and employment
    2. Education in English as a New Language (ENL) Programs, including;
      1. Resources allocated to ENL programs in each New Rochelle school
      2. Graduation rates of students who completed ENL education
      3. How many ELL students pursue higher education 
  6. Increase success in English as a New Language (ENL) Programs education
    1. Provide equal educational opportunities to ELL students at all New Rochelle schools
    2. Increase graduation rates of ELL students with regents with advanced designation
    3. Implement peer-to-peer tutoring for ELL students in content areas
    4. Provide specific services to ELL students on higher education and career opportunities
  7. Expand Dual Language Programs (CILA)
    1. Consider the numbers of students graduating with a seal of biliteracy in New Rochelle compared to other communities with similar demographics
    2. Consider the demographics in New Rochelle, and how schools are choosing to serve their diverse community with how other cities/villages are 
    3. Look into alternatives: Mamaroneck Dos Caminos Program. 
  8. An increase in diversity hires of X% across all New Rochelle schools by 202X 
    1. Increased transparency regarding diverse hiring 
  9. Comprehensible diversity training for New Rochelle schools administrators, teachers, and staff that includes:
    1. Emphasis on cultural competency
    2. Recognition of individual privileges and biases and how these affect the quality of education students receive
  10. If a Truth Reconciliation Committee is created, a permanent staff will ensure the follow through in our proposed tangible programs, addressing prejudice in New Rochelle schools
  11. Transparency and at least a 72-hour notice regarding upcoming Board of Education meetings, in accordance with Open Meetings Law Section 104
  12. Headway in the renovation of with a budget breakdown
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