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I worked for the NRSD for a few years at the central offices. I witnessed first hand the systemic antithetical and toxic environment. 


There are a lot of qualified people, with true credentials, with real interest in a career, with real passion for education, with real understanding that a teacher is one of the most influential people in our children's lives and yet our administrators “the system” always chooses to bring in “the friend” “the family member” “just because I know you” “the unqualified” “the lazy” leaving no opportunity for change and making it almost or nearly impossible to break the never ending toxic cycle of preferentialism. 


We must clean the house, from the top unqualified administrators to the custodial workers, the lunch room personnel, we must not hire those that are not willing to give their best everyday. We must be able to fire and not rehire all of those unqualified people with a lack of work ethic. We must demand the best for our children, for their future, for our future. 


I often wonder if the School Board members realize how their decisions impact our children. When you are not offering the best school experience, when you are not bringing and surrounding our children with the right personnel in all our schools at all times.  You are robbing our children and our own community of a better future. I demand for all of you to do better to make better and educated decisions. 


To all Board Members, Teachers, Administrators and ALL School Personnel, I want you to remember that when we have an educated child we have a better community. I want you ALL to have empathy towards every child, every resident of New Rochelle that attends our schools. I want you to believe that you are the parent of every child so make your decisions based on this sense. Perhaps then and only then you will see how different your decisions and behavior towards all students will be. 


To our school district I strongly suggest you to learn the meaning of these words:


Understand your role “Civil Service” we work for the children, we work for the community; 

Be and Promote Accountability - we need accountability on everything and everyone;

End institutional preferentialism;

There is no such a thing as alternative true “facts are facts”;

No selective hearing;

No selective sight;

Real respect for ethics - practice ethics everyday;

Avoid arrogance, be humble;

Treat others the way you want to be treated; 

Believe that every child has rights and potential, treat them with respect; 

Avoid bad habits, bad behaviors, our children are watching, our children are listening;

We ALL need to say something when we see something;


Martha Gutierrez

Resident of New Rochelle

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