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there’s something that I’ve noticed a lot since I was younger

i went to ieyms and all I would hear was that it was the “ghetto ratchet hood” school. And that alms was the good and white school. And my family members who don’t even live in New ro would say this. And I began to notice how everyone would say this because ieyms was mostly made up of Hispanic and black kids

also idk of this is weird but in the school cafs certain ppl eat in certain cafs. I’m Latina and I’m going to be a senior. These 3 years I’ve sat in the house 1 or 2 caf where mostly black and Hispanic kids sit. And house 4 is the “white kids caf”. Like yeah sure, some Hispanic and black kids sit there but it’s not too many of them. And I’ve gone to eat there only a few times.

Im really sorry this is a lot, but this one needs to be said. My boyfriend and a good portion of my friends are ESL students. the school doesn’t do much for them to be honest. sophomore year, my bf who is an esl student was not given the classes he needed. He was given a globlal history 1 and u.s history. He was not given a science class. And whenever he wanted to talk to his counselor she was never there. At the end of sophomore year I was telling my bf and his friend (who is also in esl) about how I went to my counselor to choose my junior classes and they just looked at each other and said to me in Spanish “we never got called to do that. They don’t care about us man”. That same friend this year had to retake his esl class, which really disappointed him and his schedule was so messed up he only had lunch every other day. I really realized how the school and the school counselors don’t care about the esl students. They don’t really include them.

the counselors seriously throw whatever classes at them. my bf didn’t take the classes he needed in the correct year

I think he had taken esl 2 Sophie’s year and was supposed to take esl 3 this year. But when he got his schedule he had to retake it an it said that he was in 10th grade. The reason they said that he had to retake it was because his esl teacher wasn’t present for some time because she was pregnant. so for that reason they didn’t let him (and I believe the rest of the class too) pass. i don’t think I’ve heard about other students not passing their classes because of this reason. They had a sub while their teacher was out but he still didn’t pass. I don’t take esl, but this year my English teacher was out since November and I had a sub for the entire year. yet I still passed

also my bf and the friend have the same counselor. I have a different one and she has always been notifying me about everything a junior needs to know about college an senior year. so when it was time for junior conferences with counselors students and parents I told my friend and bf about it and they hadn’t been notified about that. they had to email the counselor to ask them about it to set up a meeting. And they never got called up to pick their classes for senior year. They had to go to their office or email them. but with me I’m notified and emailed about everything.

I may not be white but I was born and raised here and I don’t take esl but they weren’t and they do take esl and I can tell the difference between them and myself.

NRHS Student, Class of 2021

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