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This district will have to do A LOT more to teach the young minds of the district, and it must be across the entire student body,  K-12. This should not be relegated solely to  Black History Month, or when racist acts are committed-it must be year round. Passive acts, such as suggesting Healing Circles, for a week,  will not curb these acts. 


While you denounce acts of racism, this district is quite segregated, creating and perpetuating racism and inequity. If you, and the board really want to do something about systemic racism, or the ignorance of our students, you will have to look deeply within yourselves at the very ugly message this alone sends. The district is  not "Embracing Diversity. Driving Success."


What is this district doing that allows some of our students to feel comfortable with exhibiting such racists acts on social media? How and where were these behaviors learned? Our elementary and middle schools are segregated, and if we had two high schools, they would be too. The district continues to feed systemic racism. When you create an educational system where most Black and Brown students attend school in one section of New Rochelle, and White students attend schools in another area, are you really expecting our students to grow and learn to become anti-racists? 


Students' first learning experiences are at home. There are many who are ill-informed, ignorant, and yes, racist. The racist posts by our very own students at Albert Leonard are the tip of the iceberg. I don't have to think hard about where they've learned to speak like that or whether it's language condoned at home.

We, as educators,  have an opportunity, actually a responsibility, to correct the ills being taught outside of school. 


You mention tolerance, but you must begin using words, such as embrace or  accept, as 'tolerance' connotes having to put up with someone or something . The Black and Brown community are not looking to be 'put up' with. We are here, our students are here, and we're not going anywhere.


See us, hear us, LISTEN to us. Things must change. It won't be a comfortable transition, but it is LONG overdue in this district. 


When the district helps to create the necessary changes, creating equity, inclusivity and access for ALL students, then New Rochelle can live up to, and tout,  "Embracing Diversity. Driving Success." Until it does, these are nothing but hollow words. Actions speak louder than words. 


Tania Syriaque

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