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I'm glad that you are putting a spotlight on this problem.I've kinda known about it for a minute. Because I was able to take Mr.Richardson class senior year and he spoke about all of this and how he planned on changing things( He also talked about the cheating going on within the ap classes). This is one reason why I feel like he got fired. White privileged has a big presence in nrhs I remember my senior year hearing about how two students were able to get their parents to change a classroom full of students' schedules just because a class didn’t fit in their kid's schedule.

I have a bone to pick with nrhs because as an African American student I was affected by this racist system which caused me not to be the best student possible many factors go into this. Once I was able to leave nrhs racist system and go off to college I was able to become a better student. At nrhs my GPA was like 1.7 at Baruch city college my GPA is now 3.2( I am still the same student i have always been) . Sadly, I had to leave the nrhs racist system to become a better student. One of the reasons why I feel like I wasn't able to be the best student possible was the lack of guidance I had received from my school counselor MR.CURLY.I feel like every student at nrhs no matter how their grades are should have a conversation with their counselor about honor classes, ap classes &, national honors society etc.  Not once had my counselor talked to me be about those classes, and how i can get in or gave me encouragement to try. Why was this never a conversation? He sure did talk at about boces tho...

Also as you may know there is a narrative of being white means your smart. That's why when a black person who talks like he is educated people may say stop talking like you are white. Going to nrhs and seeing the majority of the ap students and national honor society students being white psychological it does something to you and fits the narrative of witness equals being smart. But that is not true a lot of things go into play and i now know that.

NRHS Class of 2017 Alum

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