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Growing up, I always felt proud to be part of such a diverse community. However, as I entered Albert Leonard Middle School and started on the honors track, I realized the racial and ethnic makeup of the middle school was not reflected in my classrooms. The opportunity for cross racial relationships was extremely limited. The apparent inequities became even more evident once I entered the high school.  Despite whites being the minority at NRHS, my AP and honors classes were always majority white. Even the racial make up in the cafeterias differed.  While I always felt that I had received a good education at the high school, it is strikingly clear that not everyone received the same attention and privilege in their classes leading up to NRHS and in NRHS itself.  We must ensure that all students who go through the New Rochelle school district have the same opportunities for success. 

Zoey Deutsch

NRHS Class of 2018

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