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Looking back at the AP and honors classes that I was enrolled in during my time at NRHS (2012-2016), the percentage of BIPOC students ranged from around 15% to 40%. During both 2013 and 2015, NRHS had a non-white enrollment of almost 70%. The evident discrepancy between these two statistics—overall enrollment and AP/honors enrollment— illuminates a clear failure in the New Rochelle BOE to create equal opportunities for students of all races. 


This does not begin at the high school level. Looking at several photos (found below) of the National Junior Honor Society at ALMS from 2011-2014, it is apparent that the school’s 50% BIPOC student population is underrepresented. The New Rochelle BOE cannot claim to create equal opportunities for all races if the student representation in outstanding achievement awards is egregiously different than school enrollment percentages.


Again, this does not begin at the middle school(s) level either. The disparity in test scores and overall rankings between the seven elementary schools demonstrates a vast inequality in opportunity, solely due to school district zoning. The New Rochelle BOE needs to address and close the educational opportunity gap in our city. 

Anya Di Salvo 

NRHS Alum, Class of 2016

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