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So last year , I knew a person that was in esl . And in the beginning of 11th grade ,there was a problem with his schedule. They had mistakenly added that he was in 10th grade when in reality he was in 11th grade. so me and him went to the counselors office in house 2 and had asked about what was happening. They said they were going to fix his schedule numerous times but it they kept adding him to to random classes .

His grades where good from his soft more year and he worked hard to pass

But his counlser didn’t care . They made him repeat some tenth grade classes . I realized that with most of the ESL kids the school never really truly never looked into their grades or saw how good they were doing , they mostly cared abt them filling up space in a random class ,rather then placing in classes they deserve to be in for working hard


And I understand that not all ESL kids have the same learning capacity as people who speak English but it’s not fair that because of them not knowing English ,the school treats them less and mostly cares about them as people that fill up space in a classroom rather than someone who is working hard and deserves to be a grade level above

NRHS Student, Class of 2021

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