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I have been an employee of the school district for over twenty years and have seen a lot of inequity during my tenure. I, like others, will not respond to your request through our school district email for fear of retribution. This new Superintendent and the President of the school board are not teacher-friendly, as evidenced by their handling of the  Coach D situation as well as others. I just have a few comments.

1. The superintendent's new committee does not reflect the diversity of this community. The list is heavily stacked with residents from the North End of New Rochelle.  The ethnicity and address of each member should be disclosed for greater transparency. 


2. The rate of suspensions is higher for black and brown students because they have refused to suspend white students for the same infractions.  Keep in mind, a black or brown student who calls out in class is disruptive while a white student who does the same thing is enthusiastic.


I hope this helps.

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