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Alternative Implementation of the Princeton Plan:

Zoom Integration

For the upcoming 2020-2021 school year, in the case that the district decides to exclusively utilize online learning, we propose integrating Zoom classrooms for students in grades K-5. Students would be distributed to teachers based solely on grade, rather than geographic location. Classes would be more representative of the varying socioeconomic backgrounds in our city, teaching acceptance and tolerance of others early on in our childrens’ lives. Additionally, as distinctions in advanced courses begin in middle school, NREC2A has narrowed down the plan to K-5 students. With plans already in place to revolutionize the school environment, creating a standard for all New Rochelle students and introducing real inclusion must be added onto the Re-Entry Committee’s list of priorities. 


The beginning of a school year is always challenging, with new classmates and teachers, and our proposal would merely parallel tradition, but with equity at the forefront. Due to limited publicly-available information, we were unable to work off of an existing blueprint, however we do not foresee the distribution process as being excessively complicated. Each student’s address includes their corresponding expected graduation year, therefore indicating their grade level. 


The school district embarked on a necessary initiative last spring by implementing the Chromebook lending program. This would be made more effective by partnering with broadband network companies to provide internet access to approximately 600 families with a technological disadvantage. 


NREC2A would be more than happy to meet with Superintendent Feijoo, the Re-Entry Committee, and all those involved in the re-entry process to help solve these issues that plague our school district. Increased attention to CAMPEL courses, training for teachers, students, and families, live classes, and interactive activities are all part of a discussion that requires input from as many community members as possible.


During these challenging and transformative times, we need a unified New Rochelle community that can start down a path of healing and equity. New Rochelle cannot afford to remain comfortable at the expense of our black and brown children.

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